
Is The Spina Bifida Color Yellow Or Teal

October is Spina Bifida Awareness Calendar month—a time to gloat the hundreds of thousands of people living with Spina Bifida in the United States. Every October, we share anecdotes from our community that challenge us to enhance sensation and back up those around us affected by Spina Bifida.  As a customs, we can exercise this by spreading the give-and-take about Spina Bifida in our own circles or to the larger networks of which we are a part of. This is too a corking time for usa to discover new ways to get involved in awareness and advocacy activities.

Here are 10 ideas you can do to raise awareness this season:

  1. Host a school or workplace Awareness Day

Nosotros've seen schools that take a crazy sock 24-hour interval and clothes-down days. You could host a Teal Sensation Day – where everyone wears teal for Spina Bifida. Events like this are also suitable for the workplace. Encounter if yous can host a coincidental Friday  (everyone pays $5 to wearing apparel casually), or make Oct 25th, World Spina Bifida Day, a "paint the role teal" day, and everyone wears as much teal equally they can. Thinking about a schoolhouse fundraiser? Check out our school form you can give to your school administrators! Looking for additional resources? We can aid you out. Electronic mail us!

  1. Stay up to date with all Sensation Calendar month activities with us on Social Media

Over the next calendar month and a half, we will exist sharing stories from our community that highlight their unique experiences. Nosotros'll likewise have graphics you can apply to heighten sensation from your ain social channels. Follow SBA on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram to join in on the fun! Exist sure to utilize #SpinaBifida AwarenessMonth and #SBAM2021. If you desire to become started at present, you could share one of these graphics:

  1. Raise your voice and share a story.

Spina Bifida Sensation Month is an incredible time to share stories, connect with each other and spread awareness effectually Spina Bifida. Every year people get creative with how they share their stories to raise awareness. Everything near you and that yous've gone through, big or pocket-size, can enhance awareness. You could upload a brusk video or yous could just share a minor story along with a fact on your social media pages. Here are some not bad stories from Awareness Months past:

  • Liam , Hope , Sarah , and Harper

Do you want to share a story on our social media pages? We'd love to feature you, send us an email.

  1. Advocate with the Spina Bifida community

SBA is always busy advocating for the Spina Bifida community. When we're not in meetings on Capitol Loma, or working on our annual advocacy day –  Teal on the Hill, nosotros strive to bring awareness and advocate for bills and funding that are of import to the Spina Bifida community. Right at present, there's an incredible opportunity for us to advocate for once-in-a-generation legislation related to dwelling and community-based services (HCBS). This would help millions of Americans with disabilities have access to quality home wellness care. Yous can learn more and easily abet here .

  1. Walk-N-Whorl for Spina Bifida

This yr, on October 2nd, we're coming together virtually as a national community to Walk-N-Roll for Spina Bifida. It's the perfect awareness calendar month activeness to get engaged, support our community and our mission, and enhance awareness! We have a jam-packed agenda featuring live activity sessions, Q&A sessions, and so much more! If you're not about a pre-existing Walk-N-Ringlet event, consider a DIY Walk-N-Whorl. Anyone and everyone can participate!

  1. Contact your local media

If you're hosting an awareness day, customs result, sharing a story, or participating in Walk-Northward-Curl, reach out to your local media outlets and ask them to provide coverage of your awareness activity! Newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations are all interested in stories that speak to sensation and connect our wide community. Hither is an fantabulous resources with tips to get your story covered past local media!

  1. Set up a Library display case or data table

Did you know that most public and school libraries volition let yous to set up a display case to promote a topic or crusade? Your display case tin can have photos, stories, Spina Bifida facts, brochures, etc. This is a not bad way to raise sensation nearly Spina Bifida, inability & accessibility equally it pertains to your community! If you lot're interested in doing this, use one of these fact sheets specific to your state.

  1. Get informed and stay connected

Sign up for our electronic newsletter! We share Spina Bifida community news, research updates, local and national events, advocacy opportunities, and information on education and support.

  1. Make a new friend

Are you on social media? If you are, try searching #SpinaBifidaAwareness Month or #SBAM2021. We are always stronger together, and if you connect with someone new you might not only make a new friend, only y'all might brand a deviation in someone else's life. Need an easy place to start? See if in that location is a chapter or SB Connect well-nigh yous.

  1. Make a amend and brighter future

Do you know how life-changing your donations are for our community? This year, nosotros've had hundreds of calls to our National Resource Eye. All these calls are from people in our community who are looking for critical and important data and support. Your donations are what let u.s.a. to go on this back up effort, for October this year, will you lot continue to back up our customs that's in need of critical back up? If you make a donation between now and October 31st, as a thank you nosotros'll send yous a silicone, latex-complimentary, Spina Bifida Awareness Bracelet so yous tin can be easily raising awareness at present and all year long.

Is The Spina Bifida Color Yellow Or Teal,


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